
Gratitude Journal Prompts

When we are in a state of gratitude it’s impossible to feel anxious.

So if the world feels heavy or the day feels hard take a few minutes to write in a gratitude journal – it will change your life!

You can keep it as simple as writing things down that you’re grateful for or you can try using these prompts…

  1. Something that made me laugh today
  2. 5 things in nature I am grateful for
  3. 3 things I’m grateful my body can do
  4. 3 people I’m grateful for and why
  5. Something I find comfort in
  6. An accomplishment I’m proud of
  7. A hidden blessing in a hard situation
  8. A compliment that made me feel good
  9. An opportunity I’m grateful for
  10. A memory that makes me smile

Do this as often as you can to keep an attitude of gratitude and add your own prompts to your journal!